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We protect your right to
stay informed.

​Our attorneys recently obtained the 911 call recordings from the Trump rally assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania. 


"...Joy Ramsingh, who represented NBC News and the other news agencies, stated that 'it’s difficult to fathom a case where the public interest in disclosure is more obvious, given the political, historical and national significance of this assassination attempt.'"

We are public records and public meetings attorneys. Whether you need federal policies, body camera footage, or a copy of the County's budget, we're here to help navigate the process of requesting information and appealing denials.

Our democracy promoting work has been featured in NPR's All Things Considered, NBC News, the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution,, NPR's WHYYAxios, and others.


No Strings Attached

We are independent, nonpartisan requester attorneys. We do not represent government entities or clients who are likely to conflict us out of an open government stance.




Focused Experience

It's rare to find an attorney who only  (or even mostly) handles public records and public meetings cases. 95% of our practice is public records and public meetings litigation. 

Customer Service

We provide agile, responsive legal services. We're an energetic team. We believe that experience and hard work trumps seniority. We've chosen efficiency in lieu of traditional law firm workflows. The results are demonstrable.

Transparent Pricing

Our commitment to the legal profession includes a commitment to access to justice for all. We offer flat fee pricing, not including court costs and filing fees, as well as a traditional hourly billing model.

Selected Representative Clients

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Police Footage

We're developing a comprehensive guide to police footage access laws across the United States.

How can we help?


Mailing Address:

336 Cumberland Street, Suite W

Lebanon, PA 17042

Thanks for reaching out! Please note that we are not your lawyers until we have agreed to represent you in writing. Because of this, information submitted through this form may not be protected by the attorney-client privilege. 

© 2023 by Ramsingh Legal

LEGAL NOTICE: THIS WEBSITE MAY BE CONSIDERED ADVERTISING IN SOME JURISDICTIONS UNDER THE APPLICABLE LAW AND ETHICAL RULES. RAMSINGH LEGAL DOES NOT OFFER ANY GUARANTEE OF CASE RESULTS. Ramsingh Legal is a virtual law office. Our attorneys are licensed in Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Alabama. Legal services may be offered in additional jurisdictions pursuant to applicable ethics rules. The information offered on this website is not legal advice and should not be construed as such. Newspaper printing press photo by Bank Phrom on Unsplash.


Right-to-Know Law | Sunshine Act | Appellate Advocacy

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