Ramsingh Legal PLLC secured a favorable settlement on behalf of Mr. Reshard Snellings, who sued the City of South Fulton under Georgia’s Open Records Act after they failed to respond to seventeen Open Records Act requests in the manner provided for by law.
This matter was previously reported on by WSB-TV (video link here).
Under the finalized settlement terms, the City is required to undergo an internal Open Records Act training. The City is also required to host a public Open Records Act training for citizens, which must include the participation of an independent, third party subject matter expert. The settlement also requires the City to post their Open Records policy and their fee schedule online, and to develop a new Open Records one pager policy, for which Mr. Snellings will have the opportunity to provide feedback. None of these affirmative actions are currently required by Georgia's Open Records Law.
Going forward, the City has agreed to use their best efforts to respond to requests on time and in good faith. The City also agreed to pay Mr. Snellings’ attorney’s fees and costs.
Mr. Snellings was honored for his state-wide open government work, which includes bringing this lawsuit, by the Georgia House of Representatives on February 12, 2024. Representative Mesha Mainor sponsored a resolution to recognize Mr. Snellings’ efforts to make his community more open and accountable.
If you’re experiencing issues with Georgia’s Open Records Act or Open Meetings Act, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for a complimentary consultation.
